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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/17/2017


The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 4:00 pm on January 17, 2017 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.
First Selectman Reemsnyder stated that they were meeting at 4:00 pm because they celebrated Martin Luther King Day yesterday and the BOF meets at 7:30pm tonight.

1.   Approval of Minutes:  January 3, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to approve the minutes of the January 3, 2016 Meeting. Motion passed.
2.   Communication:  None

3.    Appointments:  None

4.   Old Business:
  • Boathouse Hains Park Improvements
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported that since the last meeting the boats have been stored inside, contents of the storage containers have been moved inside the building and the storage containers have been removed, the fence has been taken down, the doors have been put on and the docks have been removed from the Lake.
The BHPIC met on Thursday night and approved some of the requisitions for payments. They did not approve the proposed change order for$1,979.15 for emergency lighting. There was a question about whether this was already included in the contractor’s original bid. There were plans that showed the emergency lighting so they felt it should be included. They will follow up with the contractor on this.
They also discussed the budget and if the remainder of the project goes as planned they should end up with approximately $47,706 left in the budget to be used towards the restrooms.
The committee also discussed where they were on the plans for the restrooms. The idea is to tear down the existing building and keep the slab, add some insulation around the slab and then build on the existing foot print with possibly a small expansion. They will increase the size of the ladies and men’s rooms that are there right now with ADA accessibility and a smaller mechanical room. They are also planning on have the building heated enough to allow usage throughout the winter months.
First Selectman Reemsnyder had a conversation with John Flower who indicated the plans/drawings were adequate for a building permit but are not sufficient for going out to bid. He also reported he had received a quote of between $150,000 - $200,000 based on meetings he had had with contractors.
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she received an email today with the status of the boat racks. The representative from Focus Racks expects to be able to give them an installation date by this Friday.
In regards to the lease, she reached out to Ian Neviaser again today asking him where they stood with the Boathouse lease; he is reaching out to his attorney again.
Selectman Sibley expressed his concerns about the lease taking so long.
He also added that a parallel agreement is being made with OL Rowing Association to cover their sublet of the building.

  • Rte. 156 Bikeway/Sound View Improvements
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported there is not a lot to report but, Stuart Greacon from WMC has reached out about some of the drainage on Hartford Ave. According to the plans there was only drainage on the West side of the road but they have discovered it’s on the East side of the road as well. They have requested a meeting with BSC who completed the designs. She turned the update over to Selectwoman Nosal who attended a meeting in regards to this.
Selectwoman Nosal reported it came to their attention that the drainage plan is somewhat different than what they found. Instead of a series of dry wells they have found that everything is connected. So, in order to keep with the plan to maintain and/or improve the drainage, WMC is reaching out to the BSC group for ideas on how to resolve this. They are hoping to resolve this before work begins again in the spring.
The committee will be meeting again on January 30th at 7:00pm and she will have an update at the next meeting.
First Selectman Reemsnyder noted she wants to commend WMC on their submissions of requisitions for payment. Everything is organized with instructions, copies and all the information needed to submit for reimbursement. It has been very easy to approve payments to WMC and B&W paving.
Selectman Sibley asked if they have received their 80% reimbursement yet. First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she would need to check with Nicole, but believes they have received acknowledgment of receipt and commitment it was going through the process so it should be as quick as the reimbursement they received during the plan and design phase.
  • Administrative Order/WPCA Update
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported the WPCA has not met since the last meeting and there is nothing to report. The WPCA will be meeting tonight and she should have an update at the next meeting.

  • Discussion on Troop F Recommendation for two Troopers
First Selectman Reemsnyder began the discussion by stating she did not have all the data, but they could begin the discussion with what she does have. She handed out data on the following areas for review:
  • Breakdown of Coverage – 2014 &2015 6 officers and 2016 4 regularly scheduled police officers (does not include P/T) working a 5 days/evenings on and 3 days off schedule. They reviewed the number of instances when there were only O – 5 officers on duty (this includes the Resident Trooper) and mostly there were 1,2 or 3 officers on duty; they are not able to adjust the number of officers on duty due to the rotating schedule but when no one was on duty part-time officers would be scheduled, if available.
  • Tickets Issued
Year:           2012            2013*           2014**          2015            2016
Revenue:        $4,775          $375            $17,383 $6,919          $17,386
# of Tickets:   375             46              724             284             552

There was some question regarding the number of tickets issued in 2013 and the 2016 $24,000 unpaid (this may be a total of all years unpaid). First Selectman Reemsnyder noted that they use Complus ticket processing, who sends out reminders and late fees. *She also added that in 2013 tickets were being hand written and this may be why the number issued is so low. **In 2014 they were issuing tickets for alcohol on the beach. The above revenue is just for tickets and does not include kiosk tickets/payments). She will ask the Resident Trooper how alcohol tickets are currently being issued.
  • Statistics from the Resident State Trooper – Police
This is how they list the calls: Investigation requiring a written report; medical issues, narcotics violations, liquor law violations, DUI, traffic stops, traffic accidents, state parking tickets (Hartford Ave., Swan Ave., Pond Rd.), town issued tickets, disturbances, and miscellaneous service calls which include patrol checks, alarms and security.
Breakdown of employees:
Year                    2015    2016
#of                     6       14
Employees – increase in the number of hours worked with a decrease in O/T
Police (does not include Resident Trooper):
Year            2015            2016
#of             6 Fill - time   4 Full-time
Employees       2 Part-time     1 Part-time
#of hours
Worked          2,677           2,034.5
Overtime hours decreased as well, although the overtime hours of the trooper went up.
  • Cost Comparison
State Trooper Cost – this includes meals, longevity, fringe benefits, phone, mileage, health insurance, FICA, pension and Resident Trooper program stipend.
High Range FY 2018                              Low Range
$95,162                                 $57,441
$201,754                                        $127,406
It also includes Cars, Cameras and Radios. The Town would pay 85% of the total compensation and O/T can change the cost.

Town Police
High Range FY2017                       Low Range
Base:           $72,322                         $55,573
Benefits:       $107,300                                $87,450
(Benefits include; Health, Dental, life, HSA and workers comp.)
This does not include Cars, Cameras, Uniforms and Radios.
First Selectman Reemsnyder will follow-up on the following for the next meeting: 2014 ticket #’s, clarify collections on unpaid tickets, DUI dates, O/T for trooper and the question about State Parking tickets. She will try to get the other data requested for review at the next meeting when they will continue this conversation.
She also added she may begin scheduling interviews so they don’t lose interested applicants. If anyone comes up with additional questions after reviewing the data she asked that they email her so she can get the answers for the next meeting.
Selectman Sibley asked if the BOF was going to be made aware of this information. First Selectman Reemsnyder noted she has this on her Selectman’s report for the BOF meeting tonight so she can make them aware of the discussion.  

  • FY 2018 Budget Review Discussion
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported they made great headway at the first budget review meeting, making it through the operating budget, capital expenses and salaries. She asked the selectmen if all their questions were answered and if they felt they would like another meeting. Both selectmen felt comfortable to date but would like another meeting to discuss stipends for the beach associations, Hains Park restrooms, Mile Creek Bridge and to make a motion to bring the budget to the BOF.
The next regular budget meeting is scheduled for the 23rd at 4:00pm and the next meeting after that is Jan 30th. First Selectman Reemsnyder will speak with Nicole to schedule one more meeting with her, and they will likely cancel the Jan. 30th meeting. She requested that if they have any other questions or concerns to please email them to her so she can answer their questions.

  • Annual Town Meeting January 23, 2017
First Selectman Reemsnyder reminded everyone the Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Lyme Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium and reviewed the CALL.
  • Accept Annual Report for FY 2016
  • Announcement Citizen of the Year
  • Appropriate $130,000 for LED Street Light Conversion
  • Appropriate $110,000 for Academy Lane Fire Dock
  • Appropriate $33,000 for Ford Explorer for PW
5.  New Business:
  • FRA/NEC Future Washington DC Trip Update
First Selectman Reemsnyder gave an update on her trip to Washington, DC. She was accompanied by Sam Gold, the Executive Director of the RiverCOG and the main purpose of their trip was to speak with the Congressional staff to keep them aware of what’s happening in the districts in regards to the Old Saybrook to Kenyon RI bypass. They had appointments with Congressman Courtney’s staff, Senator Murphy’s staff and Senator Blumenthal’s staff. They were also able to meet with Congressman Courtney and he did relay to them that there is a letter going out to the FRA requesting the comment period be extended to sixty days. The letter has since come out and was signed by two Senators and four Congressmen. In addition, Congressman Courtney had his staff make an appointment with Congressman Hines so she and Sam could meet with him.   The purpose of the trip was to ask the staff to work on securing an audience with the incoming US DOT Secretary once confirmed.  The nominee, Elaine Chao was tied up in confirmation hearings that day.  Senator Blumenthal was able to have a conversation with her during what they call a courtesy meeting, and was able to speak with her at the hearing about towns like Old Lyme who were in jeopardy of losing their historical, cultural and archeological treasures due to the proposed bypass. She assured him if she is confirmed she would look at this very seriously.  They also delivered a copy of the resolution from the RiverCOG signed by all 17 towns and letters to the staff of each office from the towns of Stonington, Waterford and Old Saybrook, and The City of New London to demonstrate that this was not just one town being affected by the bypass.
First Selectman Reemsnyder would still like the opportunity to meet with the new US DOT Secretary and is willing to make another trip to DC and hopes that other area First Selectmen will be able to join her.
She also reported that the strategy team preparing the response has been very hard at work on all of the various areas that will be commented on, including Historic preservation, environmental, cultural, economic, and noise (Russ Todd). There are a lot of people working on this and they should be pulling together their final comments by the end of this week.
She also clarified the strategy team being a group of many different people with different areas of expertise working together to develop a document addressing all the key areas of concern. The team ebbs and flows as needed and some of the key members include  BJ Bernblum, John Forbis and Sam Gold.
The BOS went on to discuss the background of the Washington, DC trip, which was recommended by Joe Bruno to demonstrate the importance and seriousness of the issue, the State’s side including the Governor’s and the Attorney General’s offices, notifications that went out to people who have commented letting them know the FRA will be holding meetings in Maryland and Springfield, MA, the bypass will not replace the existing line and will be solely for high speed rail and the Draft EIS included funding for improvements and maintenance, though that funding  was not included in the Final EIS.
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has had a conference call with the State Attorney’s office and brought the issue to their attention and asked if it was the State’s role to consider if/when there is litigation. He will reach out to the Commissioner and get back to them.   
The BOS also discussed the possibility of putting together a letter to come from them or having the BOS sign the final comments put together by the strategy team. They discussed formally expressing their concerns and opposition of the bypass and requesting an extension of 30 days for the comment period.              
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, requesting the FRA extend the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) comment period by at least 30 days. The BOS urges the FRA to repair and maintain the railroad that currently runs through Old Lyme in opposition to the bypass and opposes the Final EIS. Motion passed.

  • Online permitting
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she will be going to the BOF tonight to request they fund this with money in the budget that is not being used (particularly from the Health Dept.). She will be recommending the View Point program. The initial cost to get this up and running is $6,000 (one-time software costs) with an annual cost of $11,940. The quote includes 1500 records per year, updates, unlimited users, support & training (they will train all the Town Hall Administrators), setup and merging of current software, and it also ties into the State of CT contracting database. The program is user friendly and allows residents to view the status of their application. The staff can change the work flow process as needed. There is cloud based backup which will allow the building official to schedule appointments and access information (complete files) on an iPad while out in the field.
Residents will still be able to come into Town Hall to complete paperwork in person.
She also shared with the BOS another system provided by Accucom by Hunt Public Safety, which the committee had reviewed. Although it does not cost as much annually it limits the number of users, its main focus is Police and Emergency and does not tie into the State of CT contracting data base. The total cost is $19,700 for the software, set up fees of $2,080 based on the number of users (they would need 4, one for each department) and they couldn’t have more than 4 people on the program at the same time for a total of $21,780. The annual fee is $3800 for 4 users.

6.   Public Comment: None

7.   Other Business:
Selectwoman Nosal asked if there was any update on the no-smoking policy.
First Selectman Reemsnyder replied the next Safety meeting is scheduled for March and she will put this on the agenda for the next meeting.
Selectwoman Nosal also asked if they have received any feedback on the new microphones from anyone yet. First Selectman Reemsnyder replied she had not heard anything yet.
Selectman Sibley stated that Russell Todd had commented to him on how nice it was to have the wireless mic at the last public meeting he attended.

8.   Executive Session: None

9.   Adjournment:
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to adjourn at 6:09 pm. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Patti Broedlin